Trauma Therapy for PTSD using EMDR & Brainspotting.

Your past trauma doesn’t have to control your present or future.

Serving Nashville and the surrounding area


Have you reached the conclusion nightmares and flashbacks are just a part of your life now?

If you’re reading this page, you likely know the seriousness of having PTSD.

You don't have to have served its the military to have PTSD. It’s all about how your brain registers the trauma. For whatever reason, your brain has not been able to “finish” or “come to terms with” what happened to you. In addition to nightmares and flashbacks, you may feel like you are in danger when you logically know you are perfectly safe.

You can return to “normal” even if you don’t remember how “normal” felt.

Because I work with brain based therapy like EMDR and Brainspotting, we are able to help you brain return to a calm state. Some people get to experience a lot of relaxation in their very first session.

We watch the worst parts of PTSD diminish or go away completely. Our goal is not to manage the symptoms. Our goal is to eliminate them. Can you imagine sleeping through the night, not being startled by a loud noise, or feeling totally safe in a crowd? What about not getting furious with family members or even those idiots on the road that cut you off in traffic?

You will notice patience, the ability to concentrate and creativity all increase as we address the trauma together. You don’t have to put for effort to be more calm, you just are more calm.

My clients often report their friends and families say, “It’s amazing how calm you are now;” or “Are you okay? You are really quiet;” or “I can’t believe you didn’t overreact to what just happened.”



After we address your trauma:

Improve Sleep Patterns

When you can sleep you can heal. We will help restore healthy sleep patterns to get a full nights rest. As nightmares decrease, natural sleep increases which impacts mental, physical, and emotional health.

Reconnect With Others

It’s difficult for with individuals suffering with PTSD to connect with others no matter how close the relationship has been. Once the brain is calm, connecting with people seems more like a natural and organic process.

Increase Concentration

When you are not living in a constant state of fight or flight, you automatically “get your brain back.” Your ability to recall information can increase dramatically. Several clients also report an increase in creativity.

Common questions about trauma counseling.

  • The short answer is no. That is common in exposure therapy. We will talk about you trauma, but not constantly.

  • Everyone registers trauma differently. It depends on your comfort level and the complexity of your trauma.

  • Weekly is the best option. Every other week can work as well. I don’t meet less than every other week because it’s difficult to gain momentum meeting less often.

Wholeness is possible.